Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The World Without Us by Alan Weisman

I greatly enjoyed reading this book and would reccomend it to everyone that cares about the planet. It is impossible to ot be able to relate to at least one of the subjects that is covered throughout the book. Even if you are not into the environment or saving endangered species around the world there is so much that has been built by mankind that will need preserving for future generations. I really likes how Weisman used examples that the "average" reader could relate to. There were also some great explanations for the more complicated concepts. One example that came to mind was how the New York subway system is built on a riverbed, and that the pumps being used to not have the modern capacity to handle the excess water that passes through. If the pumps happen to stop, the subway system will come to a halt. I found it rather ironic that as I was reading this book the very next day similar incidents happened in New York causing the subway system to come to a standstill. Another aspect of the book I greatly enjoyed was how each chapter was dedicated to a specific topic- you could just read the chapters that interest you first. I do reccomend reading the whole book though.
For more information about this book the publisher's website is at:
ISBN: 9780002008648; ISBN-10: 0002008645; On Sale: 07/07/2007; Format: Hardcover; Pages: 320; $32.00(CAN)

1 comment:

Book Previews said...

IronMac said...

Ok, I really wanted to read this book and now I want to even more! Thanks!
October 31, 2007 6:38 PM