Friday, October 2, 2009

Light Behind the Darkness.My review:

Light Behind the Darkness is a compilation of short stories from two unlikely friends that had many life altering experiences in the Middle East.
Claude Weil gives the reader a point of view from that of a Jewish soldier that was serving in Israel, while Raouf Omar describes his family's living in a refugee camp in Palestine and the many people that have touches his life up to his present time in Canada.
Each story was very engaging and full of vivid descriptions that made it easy for the reader to imagine that they were right in the settings where the events took place.
The stories were a pleasure to read and hard to put down.
The two I enjoyed the most were A Samsonite Bag Full of Dreams by Raouf Omar in which he received the gift of a bag from his former boss before going off to university.
The other was By the Sea by Claude Weil, which describes one of his nights on leave from the army and his encounter with an Arabic woman and her elderly grandfather.
This book is essential to anyone that wants to have more insight on world events from the views of an Israeli soldier on one side of the conflict.
As a contrast, the reader has stories of Raouf Omar that describe his time spent in the region of Palestine.
Even though the stories take place at different time periods throughout each author's lives, the stories do a very good job of working together and showing how very different people can get along in the most unlikely situations.
This is a book,which takes the reader on an epic journey while illustrating the triumph of compassion.
A must read for a global audience anxious for conflicts to be diffused across the globe.


seems I have gotten sidetracked by the lovely summer weather and had taken a very long (ok, extremely long) pause from my book review blog.
A few (quite a few) people have emailed me asking if I had stopped posting and I do have a shelf full of already read books to write I will get back to adding new content this fall.

My first review is for Light Behind the Darkness.
I had the chance to meet both authors and that was very interesting as well.
You should really check out this book and it can be ordered on Chapters Canadian website or else ask your local book seller to obtain a copy for you.

