Wednesday, February 27, 2008

When the World Was Young by Tony Romano

I just received this book a couple weeks ago and found it hard to put down. I really wanted to know what happened to the family at the end of the story. It should be coming out towards the end of May 2007, so you can pre-order on the Harper Collins Canadian website!
Here is my (short) review:
"I greatly enjoyed reading about the trials and tribulations that faced the Peccatori family in their quest to make a better life for themselves in America.One of the main themes that runs throughout the story is that of secrecy versus the image one wants to project in their (real) life.Also that some behaviors and habits are repeated from one generation to the next. In other words you could say "like father, like son" and also "like mother, like daughter" as they seem to repeat some of the same patterns in their lives as their previous parents and family members did.It was really enjoyable to read about how in some ways the family lived in a slower time where it was easier to keep secrets from each other.The pace and writing of the novel made the story seem very realistic.Overall I found the book was enjoyable to read and would recommend it to anyone that is looking to read a good family drama that takes place in the 1950's." For more info or to pre-order this book please visit the Harper Collins website:

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