Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Judas Strain by James Rollins.

"The Judas Strain is a novel that is fast paced and full of great adventures. The story started thousands of years ago when a deadly virus was discovered on a distant and now deserted island The Sigma Force and their associates have been put in charge with extremely virulent virus that threatens to wipe out all of mankind if it cannot be cured. Along the way the Sigma Force encounters numerous obstacles that they must conquer. In order to save mankind the Sigma Force has to find a series of three sacred carvings that have been hidden away for thousands of years since the reign of Marco Polo. One of the interesting aspects of the novel was how James Rollins manages to seamlessly blend fact and fiction throughout the book. (He) writes about such phenomena as Angelic script, plagues and even dangerous squid that light up. It was very helpful that there was a breakdown of what events and wildlife really exist and which were fictional. I don’t want to give away too much of the story so you will have to read this yourself to find out if mankind is finally saved. This book had me on edge waiting to see what would happen next. I would definitely say that it was very graphic and vividly illustrated and a page-turner."
I also found the novel to be a fast-paced and action filled adventure. You will be left wondering which characters were good and which were out to sabotage the plan to save mankind.

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